Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Shout Outs From the Front Steps of the Academy

Morning all!

Greetings from Nicole Anderson. Hoping this message finds you well this sunny Wednesday morning.

Well, i've finally done it.

I just sat here this morning and went on and just did the thing: just went on created a space to reflect on what it means to be young, Black, female and to have been crazy enough, fool enough, gutsy enough and blessed enough to pursue a life in academia.

Now, let me just say at the outset. This may indeed be a wild this promises to be a wild year in the life of ya' just don't say that I didn't warn you.

Anyway, as we press forward together I be posting and reflecting on a wide range of topics and issues as you all realize that SO MANY THINGS affect me profoundly... so damn near any topic is open for discussion.

However, there are a few issues that are close my heart and will probably consume the bulk of my reflections:
---Black Life Wherever It's Being Lived (African Americans/Africa/Caribbean and Blacks in assorted diasporas across the globe)
---Black Women
---Hip Hop Matters
---Film, TV and Media
---Black Thought/Thinking Black
---Creative Living
---Visions and Visionaries

Or I may just post a question to discuss issues or get some help in thinking an issue through.

So, check back and i'll be posting a few things that I have written of late for you to reflect on soon!

Looking foward to hanging out wit'cha!

Peace and blessings in the mean time!


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