Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Breaking Bread Together: America, Something's Gotta Give

Greetings all:

As the political season approaches, I feel the dread and loathing building. The looming pressure to sign up, get out the vote, support "your team", prepare for the mindless, bitter election warfare of us vs. them politics, vote stealing, fear mongering on all fronts (domestic and global fears of all "others") and other party-driven playground antics.

And i'm tired already.

I need a new way to engage in nation-building---beyond division and fear and excruciating partisan politics.

So, i'm reaching out to all those interested in meeting in the middle, crossing party lines and just getting together to talk about America's future with folks from diverse perspectives.

If you are interested in participating in reflection, a shared meal, dialogue across difference and compassionate organizing for future projects, i'd love for come and gather with you and others who share these sentiments.

If you are interested in planning and participating in such a gathering in your community, please contact me at breakingbreadtogether@yahoo.com.

Take good care and I look forward to hearing from you.


Nicole Anderson is an educator and community organizer. I am currently interested in creating opportunities to diverse communities to come together and transcend division and spirit-breaking politics to forge a new vision for America's future.


Yeah, I know that such a project seems ambitious, but when you are tired of waiting for change and struggling with what is, you have few options: you either wither from within... or create the thing you want to see...and be.

Our fear and frustration with one another is devouring us from within.

I want more for myself and my country. And I know you do, too.

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