Saturday, January 17, 2009

...When Tuesday Comes...Oh, Lawd, When Tuesday Comes...

Greetings everyone on this chilly Saturday afternoon in America!

I hope you and yours are nice and comfy and well this day. I am here in Florida catching up with myself after a frantically busy week, reflecting and listening to a wonderful program "Pray-As-You-Go" available on I-Tunes.

Earlier today, I caught a glimpse of President-Elect Obama's Whistle Stop Tour to Washington (My God today, he does have a flare for the theatrical??? Whistle stops, founding fathers, i'm just telling you now: If I see Bruh-President in a powdered wig, tights and a cape, i'm tellin' yall now: there's no telling what I might just jokes, just jokes) .

Anyway, he was finishing his remarks and greeting the crowd, shaking hands, pointing, clowning, waving, laughing in that endlessly energetic and joyous way of his---even on a bitter cold day in Delaware. And, as has been my fairly consistent stance since the evening of November 4, 2008, I STILL MARVEL AT WHAT GOD IS DOING!!!

Over the last few weeks, like many of you, I have been inundated with reminders, images, questions and have even found your own utterances have spoken to the significance of January 20th's events.

A modest display in one of my building's showcases meets me at the door each morning with images of America's 44th president-to-be in a number of interesting poses: standing calmly behind Michelle on his wedding day, actin' crazy in a go-cart with lil' Sasha, somewhere eating a chili dog, giving speeches and standing on the capitol steps. And just when I think I've entered an Obama-free zone, a former student races up to me after class to ask if I'm going to Washington...while another new student of mine/Black Student Union member/editor of the campus newspaper approaches me after class to ask if he can interview me about the significance of the election since I'm a South Sider from Chicago.

Furthermore, every time I open my email, I have received yet ANOTHER invite to an inaugural house party; or service opportunity; or get some request from one of our good liberal do-gooding outfits demanding me to write him and demand that he meet my IMMEDIATE need to be added to the 7,295 things MUST RESOLVE before 5:00 pm on Wednesday January 21st...and all I can do is scowl, wonder where these demands were of other Presidents and press DELETE with vigor. Now, yall probably understand the nature of my relationship with Bruh-President is like that of most relatives: he might wear me out, but I'm not gon' let nobody ELSE mess wit' em (too much)!

And you know, I try to play my own 'Bama-phoria pretty cool on the know this is still "Floriga" (nickname for Jacksonville because it's so close to southern Georgia). But, I'm a history professor so the very nature of my profession provides an amazing platform to help students make the connections. For example, in my classes last week, I showed a segment of the PBS documentary "Africans in America" to supplement a unit on indentured servitude and African slavery. At at the end of Friday's class, I reminded the students---a diverse collection of Colombian, Filipino, Afro-Cuban, Irish, African American Ukrainian, Swedish, Jamaican, Nigerian, Haitian, Polish and Native American students and various mixed ethnicities and extractions---that given our week long exploration of "Slavery and the Making of America", the events of the coming Tuesday should have particular relevance for our discussions. While they were packing their bags and gathering belongings, many stopped and looked up and nodded soberly, understanding my meaning.

I noticed that several of my Black male student did a lot of grunting and groaning during certain segments of the discussion of how labor (depicted with images of young enslaved men) became racialized in America. After class, I asked them what was going on. One of them---of Jamaican and African American background---said that the DVD and the moment was "just to deep, Dr. Anderson, its just too much there". Another young brother of African American and Cuban heritage just shook his head, looked down and walked away. And the truth is that I do believe I understand some of what might be feeling.

Over the last few months leading up to the election, I have heard many of my own 30-something peers and others talk about "how they never thought they would see this day come". However, for me, it is not a day I have even been looking for. The last eight years have been so grueling for a sister, the most I felt I could ask for was that the votes for "whoever" be counted.

My hearts desire was for compassionate, informed, expansive leadership to aid Americans at home (especially in the areas of education, rebuilding urban America, expanded job creation and innovation) and with a global vision of America's role in the world that did not require another war...and my prayer was that America would be receptive to that leader. Now, the notion that that individual would be a Black man NEVER quite made it onto my wish list.

And yet, this moment is personal for each one of us. For me, though, it's not just about a Black man becoming President of the United States, but its more:

For me, it's about the son of a mother who made him rise early in the morning because she had a vision for him more expansive than he could ever imagine on those sleepy mornings in Indonesia.

For me, it's about an industrious, hardworking, ambitious student becoming President (May the Lord multiply them indeed!!!).

For me, it's about another young Black professor becoming President---ha-lle-lu-yer!!!.

For me, it's about a man who CHOSE to come and live and work on Chicago's South Side becoming President.

For me, it's about a member of Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago's South Side is becoming President. Yesterday, Chris Matthews was on Hardball talking crazy as ususal and wondering aloud: "This guy is just amazing. WHERE DID HE LEARN TO SPEAK LIKE THAT??? HOW DID HE LEARN TO DELIVER SUCH GREAT ORATORY??? WHERE DID IT COME FROM??? And his panel of lackluster Blacksperts opined: "Oh, its natural" or "he's just gifted". Only crazy-ass Spike Lee was lucid enough to scream out "THE BLACK CHURCH...YALL...IT'S THE INFLUENCE OF THE BLACK CHRUCH. BRUTHER'S BEEN SITTIN' IN THE BLACK CHURCH FOR 20 YEARS BUT YALL DON'T WANNA DISCUSS THAT". He laughed as I shouted at the TV "COME ON SPIKE, WOULD YOU LET 'EM KNOW!!!

The controversy around Trinity and Reverend Wright might have gripped the nation, but BE CLEAR: the fact that Barack Obama sat in THAT Black Church on Chicago's South Side (and other South Side churches) for yearzzzzzzzz under the preached word that has contributed GREATLY to who he has become--- that's the damn truth and yet another tribute to the importance of the church. I stand at the lectern daily and can bear witness my-own-self that it is ONLY the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit, the preached word undergirding my week, and the prayers of the righteous availing over me DAILY that let's me be of any good to the students I serve. IT'S CHRIST that give me strength to teach in order to liberate, correct, confirm, guide, minister, edify and learn from my students here in the Dirty Dirty South. (And it is warfare to be sure so keep prayin' yall, I beg of thee.)

For me, Obama's victory is about a man who came to visit my mother's South Side church on occasion and smiled as she passed by and gave him a pinch or poke to greet him (...Mama's always good for pinchin' folks and distracting them during service, bless her heart!!!)

For me, it's about having a First Lady from the South Side of Chicago (only God does THAT!!!)---go 'head Mrs. Madame First Lady Michelle, Esquire. Prez-Elect adopted us, but Michelle is Chicago's own. Do ya thing, Sis, do us proud Sis, uh-uh-uh-uh. Right here: this is where you "Wop" or "Cabbage Patch" or "Shuffle/" OR "Slide"---fill in the "hood dance" of your choice!!!

And finally, for me, it's about he and his family deciding to push ALL OF US to do what we have never done before in America trusting that we could handle the shift as a nation. It continues to remind me that each of us that we MUST get out of our own way, throw off the old models/limitations and strive to do new, frightening, daring and courageous things IN OUR OWN LIVES and spheres of influence.

There is so much to do and be done and be repaired and constructed by President Obama. I wouldn't wish this assignment on any President, much less the first Black one. But just as soon as I got anxious at the thought of the assignment, this scripture bubbled forth. And this is my prayer for my future President & Vice President and my nation (and the nations of the world) if we faint not:

1The LORD is OUR shepherd; WE shall not want.
2He maketh US to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth US beside the still waters.
3He restoreth OUR souls: he leadeth US in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4Yea, though WE walk through the valley of the shadow of death, WE will fear no evil: for thou art with US; thy rod and thy staff they comfort US.
5Thou preparest a table before US in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest OUR heads with oil; OUR cups runneth over.
6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow US all the days of OUR LIVES: and WE will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

With his rod and staff, may the Lord's goodness and mercy be yours, dear reader. God bless you and may the Lord bless our nation and allow our nation to bless others in ways that honor the Lord.

Stay encouraged, take care of each other and walk in the Lord's victory---especially on Tuesday (wink)!

Congratulation and best wishes you, as you celebrate the inauguration of President Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America.


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