Thursday, July 31, 2008

Choosing the Gospels Over Cable: The Journey Begins


After a summer of writing, traveling and presenting, I'm whooped! And not whooped from the doing, but whooped from all of the external triggers, drivers, motivators. Now, don't get me wrong. I have enjoyed the conferences and clowning and meeting new colleagues and chopping up ideas and issues. However, with three weeks until classes begin, I just need a moment of reflection.

And the truth is that I can't let my conversation be dominated by buzz, externalities, the news cycle or the latest scandal. I am searching for something more. More than the illusive feeling of the high of the latest gadget or gizmo or outfit or You Tube clip and then the let down...or the high or anxiety of the latest scandal and then its letdown...or chasing after the latest call for papers for academic conference to force myself to write the next paper in order to gather to dissect the latest big idea in the field.

No, right now, I need an anchor. I've got to disconnect from the junk, the blather, from chasing the rabbit down the hole... and find a new point of reference on current events. I need an abiding word. An oasis in this weary land---and I choose the Bible as that anchor.

My plan is to use the New Testament as my lens in months to come and see how it applies to my daily life and activities. So often, as Christians, we SAY we want to be doers of THE WORD, so I feel led to put my money where my mouth is. And since I know folks have done a similar work with recipes and writing plays and the like, I literally felt led by the Holy Spirit on yesterday to apply the same concept to the study of the Bible.

Now be clear that I am not a theologian, or pastor, or seminarian or professor of religious studies. I'm just a sister interested in meditating on a daily portion of scripture and letting it rest on me...abide in me in my actions for that day. Often, I am looking for websites and conferences and gatherings that explore ways to "keep it real" and remain encouraged in this complex, chaotic, contradictory modern world.

But, again, I feel led to tackle what comes from an ongoing engagement with myself and the word of God. I marvel at what pastors and preachers can do to make the word resonate and relevant for listeners from week to week...however, can I do that for myself on the day to day??? Can I make Christ's ministry REAL for myself EVERY DAY---no chaser, no whoopin', no organ, no amens from the front row???

So, maybe after working to mine the scriptures for my own journey, these utterances may fall fresh on others. As my father once reminded me: you are not going to always have other's footsteps to follow in, sometimes you are going to need to leave YOUR footprints behind for someone else to follow.

So, I'll read a chapter a day and then see what surfaces for me. What can I find? What comes up? Where do I struggle? What befuddles me? How does it help?

So, visit from time to time and join me as I reflect on what the Bible says and how I can apply it to my life--- as a lay person seeking the word to soothe my soul and anchor my day by the Word and not Cable TV.

Wish me luck, ya'll, I'm wading in...


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