Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Honoring That Still Small Voice...

Morning and Greetings from Nicole!

I hope this message reaches you well. And, I know, I know, I got a little quiet last week and meant to post a vacation message to you...but oh well, I traveled, it was fabulous and now I'm back.

But, I'm tellin' yall. I have to admit. Even after so short a time away, I'm feeling rusty. Just one week away from blogging and I feel all fuzzy-headed and tentative.

As you know I was writing like a fiend before I left. And now---on the other side---I have just been distracted--- new school year tasks, home maintenance issues forcing me to pack up and work away from home at odd times, tracking Hurricane Fay and preparing my emergency kit to break out if necessary... you know the stuff of life that will get between you and your assignment if you let it.

So, I've just been writing on scraps of paper, in notebooks in my purse and in random places till I could get somewhere, settle down and type them up.

But, there is comfort I can take in this: THE FEELING THAT SOMETHING WASN'T RIGHT IF I WASN'T DOING IT is pretty amazing. That itch, that tug, a distinct feeling in my gut kept reminding me that I needed to get back to mining the scriptures. For you, that feeling might be that nagging reminder to get back to the gym... or making that appointment you've been putting off... or attending that gathering that you miss ...or getting back to that project/degree you know you need to finish...or getting back to your own writing...or taking that class you've been wanting to take to keep you in the game. I would argue that that that nagging, that tugging is indeed the Holy Spirit.

So that nagging " uh-oh...when am I going to get back to the blog feeling" was a good feeling---cuz' it reminded me that the project of Blogging the New Testament had really taken hold...and become a practice vital to my days.

So, today is that day. I am going to steal some moments to type up the new entries I've been working on and get them posted ASAP!

Love you all, thank you for reading this work and for the positive feedback and support!

Be well!


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