Saturday, August 02, 2008

Matthew 2: 13-15 Joseph: A Model "Baby Daddy" (In The Very Best Sense)

Evening All:

Hope you all are well.

When we left off in Matthew 2, the Magi had just finished worshiping, got hip to Herod's plan and rolled back to the flat via an alternative route. So, we pick up Matthew @:13-18 finding Joseph in the midst of another visitation from an angel. The angel informs Joe that Joseph needs to roll out, bounce to Egypt with Mary and Joseph. More compelling yet, the angel informs him to "stay there till I tell you because Herod is going to search for the child and kill him".

Now, you know Joe was chillin', feeling good, about where he was probably rocked back with a toothpick in his mouth after a good meal with the fam'ly when the angel dropped by. And you could imagine his reaction: Hole Up, Hole Up? Do What? Move? But the text records no complaint. The text says Joseph "got up, took the child and fled with his mother by night to Egypt".

For me, this passage reminds us of the benefit of an abiding relationship with the Lord that keeps one open, supple, attuned, prepared and ready to act on a fresh word from God.

As some of you know, I have moved a lot during my graduate studies. I moved from Chicago to Champaign, from Champaign to Yemen, from Yemen to Champaign, from Champaign to Bordeaux, France, from France to Guinea-Conakry, from Guinea-Conakry to Kankan, Guinea, from Kankan to Bamako, Mali, from Mali to Chicago, from Chicago to Champaign, from Champaign to Chicago, from Chicago to Paris, from Paris back to Chicago, from Chicago to Los Angeles, from Los Angeles to Rock Island, from Rock Island to Jacksonville. And these moves have been for schooling, life experience, personal growth and professional gain.

And yet, each time I had to move, I had to move believing that God would provide---especially in Europe, the Middle East and Africa---AND THE LORD DID IT EVERY TIME. Thus, Joseph's experience reminds us that moving with the Lord's urging is a matter of trust born out of a relationship with God.

Clearly, Joseph trusted God intensely in the past before the Christ child was ever born... and God kept this family. So, in this instance before their flight Egypt, Joseph remained receptive to God's word and got orders from the Lord that spared them all.

And it seemed that the lord KEPT dropping insight on Joe because he could trust him to to handle it properly and do what the Lord need to have done.

Lord, let me have an ear and heart for the Lord like Bruh Joe. And in this season, with so many of us moving, downsizing, beginning new positions, heading off to do field research, etc.,. I just pray that you remember that God WILL keep you if you lean on him, trust in his guidance and get quiet to hear him. Both Joseph and I can indeed a witness to that.

Be well!


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