***This segment was written on Thursday morning, but posted on Friday evening.***
This dispatch comes to your from Jacksonville Florida, my new hometown. In my continuing effort to pursue non-edible interests (smile), I have decided to find ways to connect with my new hometown more fully. And its getting off to a decent start---I've committed to a local church more fully, am learning about more local arts and cultural offerings...and I even stumbled across Barack Obama related events right here in Jacksonville.
Ok, now please understand. I move with utter T-R-E-P-I-D-A-T-I-O-N in this whole area. Anyone who knows me knows how emotional election 2008 makes me. And after having some very interesting experiences trying to become a poll worker here (to no avail) in addition to having a curious experience at the polls in January 2008, my philosophy remains:
No matter how beloved the candidate, none of that matters IF THE VOTE WON'T BE COUNTED. For the record, I plead with younger folks to become poll workers where you can. Just going through the trainings taught me that the combination of new technology/new voting machines mechanics, last minute changes in the state legislature and a process dominated by retired Americans makes for an INTERESTING situation on election day.
AND YET, with this said, I am still planning to attend the grand opening of the Obama Headquarters here in Jacksonville. Why would such a conflicted individual do such a thing, you ask? Because I had a bit of a revelation of late.
Don't get me wrong, I hate this election like poison. What gets me most: The inane questions, the media insisting that race is Barack's problem as they are unwilling to put America's lingering racial intolerance where it belongs: ON AMERICANS OURSELVES, the constant claims that Americans don't know Barack...it goes on and on and on.
And yet, he and his family get up EVERY DAY willing to run this hellish obstacle course masquerading as A presidential campaign...and in doing so they remind us that DESPITE THE DIFFICULTY, WE CAN MOVE FORWARD IF WE HAVE THE COURAGE TO DO SO.
But he is just one man. And he can't monitor voter intimidation, voter suppression and questionable polling place activities by himself. That's kinda where I come in.
So, for the elders who fought and withstood daily indignities to open schools and neighborhoods and job opportunities for me to have the chance to earn this Ph.D., the LEAST I can do is take my Black tail to a meeting.
The process infuriates me, but it sure as hell can't change if I am too pissed off to engage it. So, I'll go and let you know how it goes.
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